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Death work : police, trauma, and the psychology of survival
ISBN: 0190289058 019026151X 1280502754 0198035845 1602568960 9780198035848 9780195157659 0195157656 9781280502750 9781602568969 019518663X 9780195186635 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York, New York : Oxford University Press,

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Through extensive field observation and structured interviews with NYPD officers, Henry reveals patterns of psychological transformation and social consequences of police encounters with death.

Very little ... almost nothing : death, philosophy, literature.
ISBN: 0415340497 0415340489 0203462939 9780203462935 9780415340489 9780415340496 9786610077984 6610077983 9781134297757 1134297750 9781134297702 113429770X 9781134297740 1134297742 1280077980 9781280077982 Year: 2004 Publisher: London Routledge

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The survivor's guide
ISBN: 1281039853 9786611039851 1563438100 9781563438103 1563437767 9781563437762 9781281039859 Year: 2004 Publisher: Los Angeles, CA Silver Lake

Making sense of dying and death
ISBN: 9042016418 9401201307 141756430X 9781417564309 Year: 2004 Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands ; New York, New York : Rodopi,

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This book aims to extend upon the growing body of literature concerned with dying and death. The book analyses various experiences and representations of dying and death from the perspective of academic disciplines as diverse as theology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and literature. The rationale for this is simple. As objects of study dying and death cannot be usefully reduced to a single academic perspective. One cannot hope to gain a deep and comprehensive understanding of dying and death by gazing at them through a single lens. Bringing various perspectives in a single volume aims to both accurately record those enduring properties of the phenomena, such as mourning and fear, whilst simultaneously analysing the diversity and heterogeneity of human beings' attempts to come to terms with this most forbidding of existential horizons.

Death in fifteenth-century Castile : ideologies of the elites
ISBN: 159734074X 1280545941 9786610545940 1846150639 Year: 2004 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Tamesis,

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Differences in attitudes to death and dying in two distinct social classes, the ecclesiastics and the nobility. The theory of the three estates made clear distinctions between the functions of the two estates which comprised the elite of medieval society: the oradores (ecclesiastics) and the defensores (warriors or nobility).They had different lifestyles, clothing and ways of thinking about life. With regard to death, the responses dictated by Christian theology conflicted with the demands of the defensor ideology, based on the defence of individual honour, the pursuit of fama and the display of earthly power. This book charts the progress of the dying from their preparations for death, through their 'good' or 'bad' deaths, to their burials and otherworldly fates and also analyses the responses of the bereaved. Through the use of pre-fifteenth-century texts it is possible to demonstrate that the conflict between the orador and defensor ideologies did not begin in the fifteenth century, but rather had a much older origin, and it is suggested that the conflict continued after 1500. Textual sources include the Siete partidas, wills, chronicles, religious works such as the Arte de bien morir and literary works such as Cárcel de Amor and Celestina.

Facing death : Epicurus and his critics
ISBN: 0199252890 9780199252893 019929769X 9780199297696 0191601403 9786611989934 1281989932 0191531006 Year: 2004 Publisher: Oxford Clarendon

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(Publisher-supplied data) The ancient philosophical school of Epicureanism tried to argue that death is "nothing to us." Were they right? James Warren provides a comprehensive study and articulation of the interlocking arguments against the fear of death found not only in the writings of Epicurus himself, but also in Lucretius' poem De rerum natura and in Philodemus' work De morte. These arguments are central to the Epicurean project of providing ataraxia (freedom from anxiety) and therefore central to an understanding of Epicureanism as a whole. They also offer significant resources for modern discussions of the value of death--one which stands at the intersection of metaphysics and ethics.

La mort collective : pour une sociologie des catastrophes
ISBN: 2271062616 2271077982 9782271062611 Year: 2004 Publisher: CNRS Éditions

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What death has that is monumental, unexpected and collective, such is the subject of this work. He approaches collective deaths through a sociological perspective, the central question being: does not the death of a collective of men, in addition to the usual treatments, give rise to specific reactions and practices linked to the collective character of these deaths? From this point of view, this death would be collective because it generates an original treatment different from “ordinary” deaths. This research builds on a body of twenty major accidents have occurred on French territory 20th century. The oldest is that of the fire of the Bazar de la Charité in 1897, the deadliest those of the Courrières mines in 1906 and the rupture of the Malpasset dam in 1959, the most recent that of the fire of the Mont tunnel. -Blanc in 1999.Social dangers, emotional reactions, mourning rituals and the construction of a collective memory are studied. Today collective deaths can no longer be explained by divine vengeance or a furious Nature, it is human responsibility that is in question. This raises the almost insoluble problem of collective human responsibility, which is very complex in terms of law. From this stems the idea of ​​an impossible passage, hence also the need for an over-ritualization and recurring forgetting.

Tables rondes du CRAHM
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 17725992 ISBN: 9782902685677 290268567X Year: 2004 Volume: 4 Publisher: Caen CRAHM

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La volonté de perpétuer ou de manifester sa situation privilégiée après la mort semble un trait commun à beaucoup de sociétés humaines. Les gestes effectués avant et pendant l'inhumation, le choix du lieu et la structure de la tombe prennent ainsi une dimension symbolique, politique, sociale, religieuse ou économique. Les contributions contenues dans ce volume interrogent notamment la mise en scène des funérailles et la représentation commémorative du défunt, le rôle du lieu de sépulture comme expression des pouvoirs laïcs ou religieux, la reconnaissance et la signification des inhumations dites « privilégiées» à l'intérieur de l'espace funéraire.

Les médecins et la mort, XIXe-XXe siècle
ISBN: 2700723317 9782700723311 Year: 2004 Volume: *9 Publisher: Paris: Aubier,

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Medicine --- Death --- Physicians --- Médecine --- Mort --- Médecins --- History --- Histoire --- 393 --- 174.2 --- 343.61 --- Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Moord. Euthanasie. Duel. Zelfmoord. Lichamelijk letsel. Slagen en verwondingen. Geprovokeerde besmettelijke ziekte. Onvrijwillige doodslag. AIDS-delict --- 343.61 Moord. Euthanasie. Duel. Zelfmoord. Lichamelijk letsel. Slagen en verwondingen. Geprovokeerde besmettelijke ziekte. Onvrijwillige doodslag. AIDS-delict --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 393 Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- Médecine --- Médecins --- Allopathic doctors --- Doctors --- Doctors of medicine --- MDs (Physicians) --- Medical doctors --- Medical profession --- Medical personnel --- Clinical sciences --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Philosophy --- Health Workforce --- 393 Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Medicine - France - History - 19th century --- Medicine - France - History - 20th century --- Death - France - History - 19th century --- Death - France - History - 20th century --- Physicians - France - History - 19th century --- Physicians - France - History - 20th century

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